Economic Thinkers

Starting with Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations, continuing to Malthus, Ricardo, Keynes, Hayek, Friedman, Sen and others, the timeless ideas of economic thinkers provide understanding of the contemporary economy.

Why a Cruise Ship is Like a Model-T

Because the newest cruise ships are so massive, their owners can take advantage of the economies of scale that optimize efficiency.

Daniel Kahneman Stories

Among his many behavioral economics insights, these Daniel Kahneman stories illustrate some of the wisdom he conveyed.

Why We Should Worry About Our Demand For Sand

Because sand demand includes roads, beach volleyball, glass, concrete, your home’s foundation, and solar panels, we might not have enough.

How Bitcoin Electricity Is Like AI Water

Hidden and easily ignored because of our technological excitement about Bitcoin and AI, their resource depletion needs to be recognized.

Why We Want a New Kind of Ice

Knowing that we can find entrepreneurs in the most unexpected places, we should look in Dubai’s bars for glacial ice cubes.

The Economic Side of “Home Alone”

Identifying “Home Alone” economics, we can see reasons for economic growth through the difference between 1990s and 2023 technology.

Why Sports Stadiums Create Dilemmas

Like all sports projects, renovating Arthur Ashe Stadium requires choosing between most fans and the minority that brings the most revenue.

How Much Money Do We Need To Be Happy?

During the past 50 years, economists have had different answers when asked about the connection between money and happiness.

How To Prepare Three Tons of Food

In Krakow, Poland, hundreds of voluteers implement Ukrainian food distribution by using Adam Smith’s division of labor.

What a License Plate Can Say

Much more than a rectangular piece of metal, a Delaware low digit license plate can be a signal of wealth and status.