Economic Thinkers

Starting with Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations, continuing to Malthus, Ricardo, Keynes, Hayek, Friedman, Sen and others, the timeless ideas of economic thinkers provide understanding of the contemporary economy.

What Buffet Economics Says About All-You-Can-Eat

Looking at the the supply and demand sides of buffet economics, we see how restaurants and diners manage all-you-can-eat.

A New Kind of Traffic Signal

Including Nantucket and the Netherlands, the places that replaced traffic signals with “shared space” had surprising results.

Why Saudi Arabia Grows Alfalfa in Arizona

A partnership that affects the Arizona water supply, Saudi Arabia and Arizona shareshared desert farming ytechniques.

New Nudges From the Invisible Hand

Moving from the bottom up, the power of the market gives countless nudges to consumers and businesses that shape their berjavior.

Why We Expect Faster Deliveries

Mostly because of Amazon, the demand and supply sides of markets encourage us to expect increasingly faster deliveries.

We Finally Know If Money Makes Us Happy

Looking at money and happiness, studies have disagreed whether increasing income makes us happier…until now.

What We Expect From Online Dating

The closer we look at online dating markets, the more we see differences in the firms, the users, and the attitudes.

What an Economist Might Say to a Goalkeeper

Having entered the knockouts, World Cup rules mandate a penalty shootout that economists can explain with game theory.

What Lottery Winners and Losers Need to Know

Futher confirming that economics is everyday life, behavioral economists have explained why we buy tickets when we won’t be lottery winners.

The Cornhole BagGate Scandal

At this year’s American Cornhole World Championship, the cheating accusations could have the same impact as economic corruption claims.