Finding the Hollywood Gender Gap (Everywhere)

From top stars’ salaries, to the people who speak in films, the Hollywood gender gap can be found in most of the major movies.

Deciding How Much To Work

Illustrated by the Expedia Vacation Deprivation survey, how much vacation time we take can depend on where we live and our reference points.

An Artist Who Made Money

As an artist, a forger, or both, J.S.G. Boggs has made museums, colleges, Scotland Yard and the U.S. Secret Service decide what is fake money.

How a Sound Sells a Product

Suggesting luxury or freshness or just plain pleasing, sometimes product sounds can be an unforgettable competitive tool.

The Tour de France Gender Gap

Typified by the Tour de France, male/female athletes’ salary gender gap will diminish when female athletes’ media, consumer and commercial appeal increase.