When It’s Tough to Calculate the Cost of An Internet Tax

After the Supreme Court said any state could charge internet taxes, the decision rippled across small, large, local, and remote businesses.

Nike’s Amazon Problem

Nike’s Amazon problem related to the difficulty that most big brands would have with losing power at the Everything Store.

Throwback Thursday: Was Sears, Roebuck the First Amazon?

#TBT: Through the amazingly similar prefabricated houses that they both have sold, we can see why Amazon has been called the new Sears, Roebuck.

Throwback Thursday: Remembering Standard Oil When We Look Forward to Amazon

#TBT: Today’s Throwback Thursday looks back to why Standard Oil was divided into 34 companies by the Supreme Court in 1911 and then forward to Amazon.

February 2019 Friday’s e-links: From Jeff Bezos to Hurricane Katrina and Lyndon Johnson

Friday’s e-links: Today we share a podcast series that focuses solely on Amazon–from its origin to current issues that range from drones to trust.

What You Can See in a Christmas Tree

Deciding between artificial and real Christmas tree purchases, we can contemplate convenience, tradition, health, and even our cats.

The New Meaning of Fast Delivery

From the nineteenth century to the twenty-first, our expectations for fast letter and package delivery have changed considerably.

Two Amazon Stories (and More)

Sweden had unusually low Amazon numbers in the 2017 PwC global retail survey. In Sweden just 13% of all product searches start with Amazon. For the U.S. that number is 45%. Wondering about the difference, I started to do a…

There’s No Such Thing As Free Shipping

Just like there’s no such thing as a free lunch, for consumers, retailers and shippers, there’s no such thing as free shipping.

Where Your Price Depends On Your Timing

Dynamic pricing at Amazon, the Indianapolis Zoo and a Dallas toll road displays how price influences buyer and seller behavior.