Econlife Quiz: Do You Know Your Baseball Economics

With the baseball season soon to start, the econlife team is looking at the money, the players, and even the music in our latest quiz.

Lazy Lauren

Dear Alexa, I have to admit I’m getting lazy. As always, my New Year’s resolution is to get in shape. But the protein shakes and five a.m. wake up calls just aren’t as appealing as they used to be. Why…

The Contest That NYC Didn’t Want To Win

With other cities like London having successfully implemented a traffic congestion pricing plan, NYC has begun to figure out a proposal.

Doing an Environmental Good Turn With a Revolving Door

Increasing everyday sustainability, using a revolving building door rather than one that swings would add less to our individual carbon footprint.

The Easiest Way to Keep a New Year’s Resolution

Combining our “wants”and “shoulds” into temptation bundling, we wind up with a commitment device that helps us keep our New Year’s resolutions.

Deciding If Wine Glass Size Matters

The size of a typical British wine glass has ballooned during the past 300 years. Close to 70 ml in 1700, now it is more than six times bigger. Where are we going? To glass, plate, and portion sizes. Wine…

The iPod, Starbucks, and Richard Thaler’s Behavioral Economics

Discussing the iPod he designed, Tony Fadell expressed his frustration with products that said “charge before use.” He remembered arriving home excited about a newly purchased gadget. But then his emotional momentum would hit a wall when he discovered he…

The Story of a Nudge and the Nobel Economics Prize

For his public policy nudges and his contributions to behavioral economics, Richard Thaler will get the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics.

Why Gender Word Barriers Could Be Worse Than Sticks and Stones

Sometimes more harmful than “sticks and stones,” gender word barriers create images of women that demean their professional skills.

Why There Are So Few Female CEOs

Asking why the number of female CEOs remains low, we can look at the gender balance in workforce pipelines to the top of different industries.