Weekly Roundup: From Skyscraper Shadows to Trendy Foods

This week’s everyday economics includes property rights, trade, creative destruction, entitlements, tradeoffs, conservation, externalities, price, and markets.

Food Issues: Why Economists Say Kale is Like Fried Calamari

Cited when discussing innovative entrepreneurs who invent new ideas, Joseph Schumpeter’s creative destruction applies to food trends that come and go.

Weekly Roundup: From Traffic Congestion to Job Evaluation

Our everyday economics includes central planning, unintended consequences, comparative advantage, transportation infrastructure, cost & developing nations.

What Ants Tell Us About the Wisdom of Crowds

Shown by ant groups successfully taking a Cheerio to a nest, sometimes the wisdom of crowds depends on the brains of an individual leader.

Weekly Roundup: From More Money to Fewer Restrooms

Our everyday economics includes scarcity, tradeoffs, cost, sustainability, hyperinflation, gender issues, externalities, African development, human capital.

Less Choice Fatigue at Whole Foods

With Whole Foods ranking produce as unrated, good, better, best, they are simplifying shoppers’ decision making and minimizing choice fatigue.

Weekly Roundup: From Height to Hamburgers

Our everyday economics includes behavioral economics, GDP, demand & supply, inflation, tradeoffs, markets, consumer spending, environment, and regulation.

Why You Should Eat Before You Shop

A surprising cause of a change in demand, hunger might make us want to shop more. Traditionally, a change in demand results from a demand determinant.

How McDonald’s Creates Choice Fatigue

Default or shortcut options become more attractive when decision making takes too much energy because of choice fatigue.

Weekly Roundup: From Slicing Bread to Saving Honeybees

Our everyday economics includes behavioral economics, commitment devices, environment, supply, regulation, free trade, gender issues and the minimum wage.