The Sports With the Biggest Gender Pay Gap

Although the US Congress increased male female equality approximately 50 years ago, still the sports gender pay gap remains massive.

Solving Some Inflation Mysteries

The 2021 Federal Reserve Board SHED report lets us see the inflation clues we can gather from the increase in household financial well-being.

Why We Have a Chores Gap

Especially evident during pandemic lockdowns, at home we have a chores gap that determines who does the housework.

Will Money Make You Happy?

While it is tough to do happiness studies, the economists that keep trying have begun to conclude that money could indeed relate to our life satisfaction.

Tradeoffs and Marriage: Like a Horse and Carriage

As the pill, education and employment opportunities changed the value of women as wives, the tradeoffs that relate to being married have also changed.

How is March Madness About Women?

Our Monday Gender Issue: “A woman’s place is on home, first, second, and third.” A League of Their Own, 1992 45 years ago, cheerleading and square dancing were the sports we associated with young women while only 1 in 27…