Why a Super Bowl Ad Can Cost $5 Million

Perfect for brands like Snickers and Bud Light, $5 million Super Bowl ads have the audience and the hype that lets large firms share a distinct message.

A Marijuana Branding Problem

Soon to become big business, marijuana branding is helped by catchy names but restricted because of trademark constraints.

How a Sound Sells a Product

Suggesting luxury or freshness or just plain pleasing, sometimes product sounds can be an unforgettable competitive tool.

Weekly Roundup: From Smart Cars to Dumb Laws

This week’s economic news summary includes work week tradeoffs in France, new labor laws for the gig economy, and why price tags are disappearing.

What New Coke Could Teach Baseball

Baseball managers say that winning requires time consuming competitive strategies that conflict with the sport’s need to shorten game time and attract fans.

Why Shake Shack is About More Than a Burger

Displaying the characteristics of monopolistic competition, Shake Shack is showing how the U.S. burger market is adjusting to a changing consumer.

The Reason NBC Can Charge $4.5 Million for a Super Bowl Ad

Because of monopoly pricing power, as a price maker with sole Super Bowl broadcast rights, NBC can charge $4.5 million for a 30 second ad slot.

Weekly Roundup: From Milkmen to Menus

This week’s stories on everyday economics include competitive market structures, business cycles, saving, conspicuous consumption and economic indicators.

A Cranberry Blog

Yesterday morning, during my “rantum scoot” around a Nantucket cranberry bog, our group leader unknowingly presented a supply and demand story. This is the bog: Nantucket Cranberries Starting with some history, he said the island of Nantucket was ideally suited to growing…

If Milk is Good For Us, Why Are We Drinking Less?

Do you remember those milk mustaches? We first heard “Got Milk?” in 1993. I loved the campaign because, in class, it was the ideal way to illustrate a market that resembled perfect competition. Since firms are small and their products…