The People Who Loved Watermelon Flavored Oreos

Because more demand for new products could be a warning sign, retailers need to take a close look at who wants what they’ve just launched.

How Women and Men Respond Differently to Gender Branding

Like other firms that try gender branding, the makers of Chick Beer discovered that women responded differently from their male customers.

The Surprising Reason That We Love Our Pumpkin Spice Lattes

An economist can explain the surprising reason that we eagerly anticipate the yearly launch of Pumpkin Spice Latte from Dunkin’ and Starbucks.

How Taylor Swift Uses Temptation Bundling

Because album bundles increase our demand for a star’s recordings, they help to propel a song or album to the #1 Billboard spot.

The Secret Reason We Want Our Thin Mints

Totally ignoring their taste, an economist would have a surprising reason that explains why we love our Girl Scout Cookies.

How Shopping For Yogurt is Like Buying a Car

Recent research explains that our yogurt choice fatigue at the supermarket is rather similar to what we experience when buying a car.

The Value of the Brands We Love the Most

Adding to the value of a good or a service, firms in the top 15 global brands like Apple and Amazon have our loyalty by distinguishing what they produce.

Why We Want a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

The reason that we cannot resist limited edition drinks like a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte is diminishing marginal utility.

Why We Suffer From FOMO

With social media telling us everything our friends are doing and much more, many of us experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

How Starbucks Coffee Bean Husks Are Like Perdue Chicken Paws

When previously worthless byproducts like coffee bean husks, chicken paws, and hog snouts became popular, we increased our economic efficiency.