Why Traffic Jams Could Spread Less

First in the nation for pre-Covid gridlock, Boston has a #1 award that no one wants. During 2019, Boston’s average rush hour driver lost 149 hours in congestion. In just five years, traffic congestion will have absorbed a month (730…

The Huge Impact of a Rather Irritating Invention

While the cost of free parking in New York City is rather huge, it can be offset by what was a seemingly insignificant and irritating innovation.

Why It’s Tough to Solve Traffic Congestion

While the traffic congestion problem in NYC, LA and D.C. wastes huge time and money, they do not appear to want to solve it.

Why There is No Such Thing as Free Parking

Even in North Dakota where there is a ban on parking meters along town and city streets, there is no such thing as free parking.

The Seven Ways We Pay For Free Parking

Including congestion, wasted gas, time and emissions, cheap parking creates negative externalities that variable pricing of parking spaces can eliminate.

How Can You Add Value to Your Free Parking Space?

NYC has lots of cheap parking spaces. The result? I (and many like me) have circled blocks, added to greenhouse gases, used precious hours and exacerbated congestion, all to find an empty muni-meter or free spot. As UCLA Professor Donald Shoup has said through…