The Surprising Significance of Ping Pong

Perhaps correlated with ping pong table sales, the venture capital that goes to technology startups is concentrated in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Boston/NY/Washington D.C. corridor.

Imagining a Marijuana Starbucks

With eight states having legalized recreational marijuana, new businesses are multiplying. One ad person even asked if there could be “a Starbucks equivalent in the world of weed.” So today, let’s see the possibilities. A Starbucks Equivalent Surface Magazine shared five…

Weekly Roundup: From Speed Eating to Slow Aging

Our everyday economics includes development, automation, taxes, fiscal policy, GDP, entitlements, entrepreneurs, negative externalities and environment.

What We Can Learn From Competitive Speed Eaters

Bringing innovation to speed eating, hot dog eating champ Takeru Kobayashi displayed the characteristics of any entrepreneur.

Weekly Roundup: From Burgers to Boomer Demographics

Our everyday economics includes disposable income,competition,externalities, standardization,entrepreneurs,federal budget, R&D, labor and dependency ratios.

Our Weekly Roundup: From Traffic Lights to Sneakers, Everyday Economics Explained by 5 Great Economists

Our Econlife roundup for the week 7.14.14 An island without traffic lights displays the benefits of Adam Smith’s laissez-faire…more   7.15.14 Why David Ricardo would approve of where your sneakers were made…more   7.16.14 John Maynard Keynes could say why you’ll get less Social…

Do Real Entrepreneurs Have to be Rich?

Because startups tend to be small, do not focus on innovation nor growth, they are a less accurate measure of entrepreneurship than self-made billionaires.

Software's Creative Destruction

During 1989, a computer scientist wrote a memo in which he explained how information could be shared through a computer network. Two years later we had the first web pages and by 1998, one quarter of the US population was using them. Just…

A Gender Gap in Looks

Our Monday Gender Issue: Good looking men get more start-up dollars than less attractive men. However, all men get more money than women. They receive 93% of all venture capital funding: Hoping to discover why, researchers from Harvard, Wharton and MIT…

Ghostbuster Economics

Yesterday, I watched Ghostbusters for the first time. Having read in Quartz that the 1984 film was a good example of Reaganomics, I was curious. Also, with Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis (who died this past week) and Sigourney…