The (Economic) Invasion of the Fire Ant

The economic side of Australia’s fire ant invasion includes accepting the massive eradication opportunity cost.

What We Lose (and Gain) From Weight Loss Drugs

Looking at the impact of the newest weight loss drugs, we see the impact ranging from our health to the health of the fast food industry.

The Unexpected Sides of Pickleball

Reflecting the impact of a fast growing sport, pickleball economics takes us to a slew of unintended consequences.

Where Less AC Might Mean More

Paradoxically, because air conditioning demand could increase with a more efficient window unit, we could have some unintended consequences.

The Economic Half of a Sandwich

More than food, a sandwich can take us to the obesity economics that explain why parts of the world eat too much.

An Update: China’s One, Two, Three Child Policy

About much more than babies, China’s shrinking birth rate reflects a slew of trade offs that created some problematic externalities.

Six Facts: Alcohol Economics

Positively and negatively, affecting countires with high and low income, the impact of alcohol economics is global.

How Restaurant Hours Have Changed

For a slew of demand and supply related reasons, chain restaurant hours have been decreasing almost everywhere.

When (Unintentionally) Alexa Boosts Music Revenue

After looking at the unintended consequences of New Jersey’s plastic bag ban, we can add to our list of surprises. This time, Alexa has the story. When Song Titles Matter Our story starts with a mom admitting that poop is…

New Jersey Plastic Bag Ban Surprises

Created to reduce our use of plastic, the New Jersey plastic bag ban has had unintended environmental consequences.