Weekly Roundup: From Raisins to BBQ

Our everyday economics includes property rights, sovereign debt, default,, externalities, regulation, Pigovian taxes, incentive, state taxes, and oligopoly.

When Business Has to Pass a Smell Test

When a Texas barbecue restaurant or California hot sauce maker emits odors, municipal regulation can focus on quantity or taxes to restrict the pollution.

Weekly Roundup: From Burgers to Boomer Demographics

Our everyday economics includes disposable income,competition,externalities, standardization,entrepreneurs,federal budget, R&D, labor and dependency ratios.

Weekly Roundup: From Pacesetters to Prices

Our everyday economics includes externalities, supply and demand, price maker, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, statistics, money supply & innovation.

Our Weekly Roundup: From Dental Care to Haircuts

This week’s everyday economics stories include income elasticity of demand, positive externalities, GDP, economic indicators, human capital & entitlements.

Weekly Roundup: From Marijuana to Multinationals

This week’s stories on everyday economics include productivity, externalities, tax revenue, monopolistic competition, international trade and economic forecasting.

What Makes a City a Good Place to Live?

Good for the environment and innovation and a concentrated labor pool, top cities like Austin, Portland and Honolulu create positive externalities.

Our Weekly Roundup: From Milk to Tobacco

Our weekly roundup includes the everyday economics of consumer surplus, monopolistic competition, economic development, poverty and technology spillover.

Energy Efficiency Surprises

Our Wednesday Environmental Issue: Trying to optimize energy efficiency, we might have unexpected results. First, where we live… Referring to an environmentally friendly community where he once lived, New Yorker writer David Owen described his 750 square foot dwelling. 77% of the households in his community did…