What a Penny Can Add

Considering the upside and downside of eliminating the penny takes us to bigger questions about the composition of our money supply.

Why There Is More Interest in the Budget

While a national deficit is normal, the recent reason for its projected growth has not been seen for decades.

Why Our Consumption Basket Matters

Naming inflation rates, the euro area and the U.S. each proclaim one number but depending on your consumption basket, there are many.

Where Our Economic Tailwinds Are Taking Us

Looking at our economic tailwinds and headwinds, we can ask if together they will create a soft landing rather than a recession.

How Are We Fighting Inflation Around the World?

Among many, one weapon for fighting inflation is the interest rate increases that central banks around the world are now implementing.

How the U.S. Mint and a Breath Mint Are Causing Coin Shortages

Hershey’s Breath Saver mints and the U.S. Mint have both contributed to the coin shortages problems that the Federal Reserve is trying to solve.

What Happens When Landlords Don’t Receive the Rent

When millions of jobless individuals cannot pay the rent, they initiate a ripple of nonpayments that touches many people and businesses.

Why The Eddie Murphy Rule is About More Than Orange Juice

Because of a wonderful orange juice scam in “Trading Places,” the Eddie Murphy Rule wound up in the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial regulation act.

Why Your Inflation Rate is Different From Mine

Although the BLS reports the CPI (Consumer Price Index) inflation rate each month, our own household could see different price changes.

The Cash We Love to Stash

Although going cashless seems to be a trend, we are printing more $100 bills for people in the U.S.and elsewhere in the world.