Where a Sugary Drink Tax Won’t Work

Looking at the Philadelphia sugary drinks tax, we would find it did not accomplish many of its goals in three major categories.

Beer Cans and Aluminum Tariffs

Craft brewers are upsizing to 16-ounce cans. Whereas U.S. beer sales are down by 1%, they are up 40% for craft beer in 16-ounce cans. A beer can primer: Because the beer industry uses 36 billion cans a year, they…

The Real Problem With Facebook’s Business Model

To understand the problem with Facebook’s ad revenue business model, we can just look at the role played by price as an incentive.

The Problem With Free Pizza

Not knowing what behavioral economists say about “zero,” the Russian Domino’s was surprised by the response to a free pizza promotion.

The Contest That NYC Didn’t Want To Win

With other cities like London having successfully implemented a traffic congestion pricing plan, NYC has begun to figure out a proposal.

Why We Buy Our iPhones

With its newest and priciest product launch, Apple has made iPhone conspicuous consumption the reason to buy their phone.

How Much Will You Pay For the HOT Lane?

The results of dynamic tolling appear to be surprising the Florida Department of Transportation. Alone in your car on Florida’s I-95, you no longer have to remain in slow moving traffic. For a price, you can enter a HOV (High…