Why We Should Care About Curbside Cardboard Crime

The recycling revenue that municipalities were receiving was shrinking and now, with some mystery surrounding cardboard, it’s getting worse.

Why Traffic Light Buttons Are Similar to Bicycles

You know those traffic light buttons that never feel like they make a difference when we want to cross the street? Brookline and Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Auckland, New Zealand and Perth, Australia are reprogramming hundreds of those buttons so we…

The Unexpected Side of Library Late Fees

While library late fees are supposed to be incentives that encourage us to return books, instead they have unintended consequences.

When a Parking Ticket Is Unconstitutional

When the police use their chalk lines on tires as the basis for parking tickets, they could be violating the U.S. Constitution.

Why We Need to Know If a Hot Dog Is a Sandwich

To decide if a hot dog is a sandwich, we can look at New York City’s list of criteria and examples that determine if you pay sandwich taxes.