The Hopportunity Cost of the Craft Beer Name Shortage

Craft brewery competition got tougher as the number of craft breweries went up and the number of available beer names went down.

Six Facts We Need to Know About Social Security

To begin to understand the biggest slice of the federal spending pie, we should start with six need-to-know Social Security facts.

The Downside of Winning the Amazon Race

Requiring a multi-billion dollar package of tax incentives and other inducements, winning the contest for Amazon’s HQ2 might not be as good as it sounds.

The Shocking Amount of Electricity That Bitcoin Consumes

Although it is a virtual currency, Bitcoin’s huge electricity consumption is very real when we consider the land, labor, and capital its computers require.

There’s No Such Thing As A Free Reward

Although there is no such thing as a free reward, consumers rarely consider the rewards programs costs that they wind up paying.

A Big Banana Worry

We have huge banana worries because of a devastating fungal disease that has been wiping out banana crops in East Asia and beyond,

Throwback Thursday: Remembering the Best French Fries

#TBT Throwback Thursday: Looking back at the original McDonald’s french fries that were made with beef tallow, we could say that the taste was worth the fat.

The Downside of Eating Less Steak

Giving up steak takes you to an environmental decision that involves how much cows devour and what you eat instead of beef.

There’s No Such Thing As Free Shipping

Just like there’s no such thing as a free lunch, for consumers, retailers and shippers, there’s no such thing as free shipping.

A Tale of Two T-Shirts

Covering 500 or so miles, a made-in-America t-shirt supply chain can be very different from a globally sourced t-shirt that travels more than 15,000 miles.