Weekly Roundup: From Pricey Hips to Costly Lines

Our economic news summary includes underutilizing female labor, delayed gratification, pricing medical care, interstate migration & assessing labor markets.

How To Stand in Line Less

Long queues can be reduced with new incentives. Instead of first-come-first-served, if the last to arrive were served first, then we’d have shorter queues.

Self-Signaling by Standing in Line

Whether you stand in long lines to self-signal or you hire someone to do the wait for you, your decision reflects tradeoffs that relate to time.

Weekly Roundup: From Good Voices to Bad Marriages

Our everyday economics includes GDP, human capital, price system, public goods, taxes, gender pay gap, externalities, subsidies, marriage economics and ROI.

A Renewing My License Story

Seeing government’s inefficiencies through a driver’s license renewal process reminds us to recognize the tradeoffs from creating public goods and services.

Using Economics To Deal With Restaurant No-Shows

At one of my favorite restaurants in Nantucket, you can call at any time during the summer to get a 6:00 reservation. But if you want to eat at 7:30 or 9:00, you have to line up outside on that…

The Cost of Traffic in Fort Lee

Have you ever thought of traffic congestion as a queue? Concerned about congestion on Oscar night, engineers in LA have manipulated traffic to keep the limo queues moving. Before Crash won the Oscar in 2006, street-based observers were calling in with,…