March 2024 Friday’s e-links: The Fish Doorbell

Concluding our March e-links, I suggest reading about a delightful innovation that is called the fish doorbell.

How the World’s Happiest Countries Are Not Entirely Happy

A close look at how we identify the world’s happiest countries reveals that happiness ranks could be misleading.

Why Future Grandmas Should Worry

Ranking the global retirements systems of 47 countries, a group in Australia placed . the Netherlands at the top.

The Gasoline Taxes That Are Hit by Covid-19

Rarely mentioned, the revenue generated by gasoline taxes in the U.S. and Europe has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

What Switzerland is Best At

When the Universal Postal Union used four Rs to rank postal services in 172 countries, the United States was in ninth place.

Marijuana and Your Grade Average

According to a Dutch study, we can observe the impact of marijuana on academic performance in quantitative courses at Maastricht University.

Why Measuring Happiness is Tough

Measuring happiness is tough because of the difference between what we actually experience and what we remember about those moments.

Should GDP Include Illegal Drug Deals?

In 1987, Italy decided to include its “off-the-books” economy in its GDP. The result was an 18% boost. Now, further complying with EU accounting regulations, Italy will add illegal drugs, prostitution and black market alcohol and prostitution. Announcing a similar policy,…